Insert Comments in Excel Checkbook Software

Applies to Excel templates: "Georges Budget for Excel", "Georges Excel Checkbook Register" and Georges Monthly Budget Spreadsheet

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Excel comments are great way to add more information to describe the cell contents of the transactions in the Registers of the Excel Checkbook Software and Budget Spreadsheet. Each cell that can be edited or selected can have its own threaded comment to describe the transaction in further detail including adding internal and external hyperlinks. For example, in the Excel template, for each checkbook register transaction, you can add a comment to the amount cell which contains a link to the specific receipt related to the purchase. Just take a picture of your purchase receipt and store it on your computer or online (for example to Microsoft OneDrive) and then create a link in the comment.


How to insert threaded comments in Excel Checkbook Register Cells


Insert Comments in Excel Checkbook Software


1. Right click on any one of the editable or selectable cells in the checkbook registers and then click "New Comment"

2. In the comment window that opens, type in your comment where is says "Start a conversation" and then click Post Comment (the green button with white arrow).  The comment can include a clickable hyperlink such as

3. To reply to a comment (or add additional information to an existing comment), right click on the cell that has the comment and click Reply to Comment or rest your curser over the cell with the comment and the enter your reply in the box where it says "Reply" and then click Post Reply (the green button with white arrow).

4. To edit a comment or threaded comment or reply, rest your cursor over the cell. Then rest your cursor over the pencil (edit comment) next to the comment / reply that you want to edit, and click Edit.

5. To delete the entire threaded comment (including replies), right-click the cell and then click Delete Comment.

6. To delete a reply to a comment, rest your cursor over the cell. Then click the the ... (3 dots) next to the reply text itself, and click Delete Comment.


Show / Review All Comments in Current Worksheet

1. To Show all comments in the active worksheet (so you can review them), click the Review tab in the Excel Ribbon, and then click Show Comments and the Comments Task Pane will appear with a list of comments in the active worksheet. (You can also click "Comments" in the upper right side of the Excel program.) The comments are identified in this Comments Task Pane list by their cell reference.

2. In the Comments Task Pane, if you click on a comment, it will activate the cell that the comment is associated with.

3. In the Comments Task Pane, you can also, delete comments, delete replies, delete entire comment thread, edit comments, and edit replies.

4. In the Comments Task Pane, you can also navigate to other comments / replies in other worksheets by clicking at the bottom of Comments Task Pane list where it says See more comments, Return to first comment, and Go to first comment

5. To Hide the Comments Task Pane, click the Review tab in the Excel Ribbon, and then click Show Comments. (You can also click "Comments" in the upper right side of the Excel program.)


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