Personal Budget Spreadsheet Create Reports and Charts

Applies to Excel template: "Georges Budget for Excel"

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Benefits of reports and charts in Personal Budget Spreadsheet

Excel budget spreadsheet reports and charts help you better understand your financial data by summarizing your data into categories and displaying charts to graphically represent the data. The reports and charts in the personal budget spreadsheet are based off the following information that you enter into the Excel template titled Georges Budget for Excel:

  1. Budget categories you create
  2. Budget amounts you set for those categories
  3. Transactions that you enter into the Excel registers where you assign a category to a transaction such as assigning the groceries category to a purchase a Walmart.

How to create the reports and charts in Personal Budget Spreadsheet

In the Accounts Summary section of Georges Budget for Excel:

In the Reports & Charts section of Georges Budget for Excel:

In the Account Registers of Georges Budget for Excel:

  • Filter transactions in the Excel checkbook registers: You can filter columns by date, payee, category, amount or any column combination to create a list of transactions meeting the filter criteria and a subtotal to the filtered items. So you can create a custom report of spending by payee in a particular register or create a custom report of spending by category for a particular register.

Other Report and Chart options


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