Auto Loan Calculator Template
When buying a new car or used car, there is a lot of information to research before making your purchase, whether it is your first car purchase or you are on a tight budget.One of the main considerations when financing a car is how much will the monthly car payment be. You can use a online Excel auto loan calculator to determine your auto loan monthly car payment.
Try calculator now below...
To purchase and download the Excel templates version of the calculator visit the auto loan payment calculator product page.
Top things to research when purchasing car
When purchase a new car, in addition to calculating the car payment of the car loan, also look at the best ways to save money when buying a car and how to save money when buying a new car.
1. Car purchase price
2. trade in value
3. sell your car or trade in (determine used car value and trade-in value)
4. total purchase price: (taxes, etc)
5. auto financing and monthly car payment and interest rate
6. purchase vs lease
7. used vs new (car depreciation value)
8. car safety
9. car reliability
10. used car history
11. used car certification
12. car ratings and reviews (whether new or used)
13. used car ownership records
14. used car maintenance records
15. car total cost of ownership
16. auto insurance costs
17. auto repair costs
18. pay off car loan (car debt)